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Reading and Auditions for “The Allergic Audience” - by Joan Greening

To be Directed by Dave Davies

A one-act comedy to be performed in early March, requiring two females aged about 40 and 60.
Aspiring actress Pandora is resting at the moment (a permanent state for her), and has volunteered to run front of house in a small theatre where she encounters Barbara, the regular front of house manager.

The show is ‘At Home with Charlotte’, a ghastly, historically inaccurate portrayal of Charlotte Bronte.   Reading and auditions to be held on 14 January 7:30 p.m.. 

The script can be read on-line a

Please note that all readings and auditions are open to anyone that might be interested in getting involved, not just members of Teignmouth Players, although if you do audition and are successful in securing a part, you will be expected to become a member of the society which costs just £10 per year (plus an initial £5 joining fee).