The Teignmouth Players and the Ice Factory Studio Theatre
The ICE FACTORY STUDIO THEATRE is situated in an old Ice Factory where, many years ago, ice was made and stored for use by local fishermen. It is nicely tucked away from the main road between Majestic Travel and the Methodist Church).
It is the home of the Teignmouth Players an active Amateur Dramatic Society and houses a great air-conditioned 50 seat Studio Theatre designed to give the best intimate style theatre and comfort .
The day to day management and running of the Ice Factory studio Theatre is undertaken by the Teignmouth Players, a group of enthusiastic Amateurs with a common love of the theatre. They are committed to bringing the best possible entertainment and will be using the Ice Factory Studio Theatre, Pavilions Teignmouth and other suitable venues in what they believe will be an exciting and challenging future full of new ideas.
Like all old buildings the Ice Factory Studio Theatre presents challenges and currently there is no access to the performance area for physically disabled people.
Running a building like the Ice Factory and producing the ambitious programme the Players present each year takes time and funds and we are grateful for all the support and help we get.
Look HERE for a brief History of the Players
The main aim of the Society when it was formed over 60 years ago was to promote live theatre for the enjoyment and benefit of all. This is still the aim with the emphasis on enjoyment.
Like to Join us? Details of Membership & how to join can be found here
To see how to get involved with the Players or read the latest Newsletter please use the links above.
The Teignmouth Players is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), a form of legal entity designed for non-profit organisations in the United Kingdom and registered with the Charity Commission. The Players endeavour to keep live theatre thriving in the Teignmouth area.
They aim to stage several full productions each year both in the Ice Factory Studio Theatre and in Pavilions Teignmouth and also maintain a social involvement
The theatre is the subject of a long lease from Teignbridge Districtl Council and the Players have to pay for all local services and maintenance items which costs a considerable amount which gets harder to find.
This is why donations from our supporters are always welcome and it would be good if you are able to consider helping us in some way.
Thank you for your support.
Any donations should be addressed to:
The Ice Factory Studio Theatre
R/o 10 Somerset Place
TQ14 8EN
Cheques should be made payable to THE TEIGNMOUTH PLAYERS
Please mention you saw us on our web-site.
Some other ways to help that you may like to consider
Members who pay standard rate Tax are invited to Gift Aid their annual subscriptions – this costs them nothing but gets thePlayers an extra sum (Currently worth 25% of the donation)
Various ways (such as programme advertising and sponsorship of productions) to help the theatre are currently available – please email us at
Not the nicest of subject to discuss but it is possible to leave a bequest to the Players in your will - please email us for details.
Some people ask if members can pay by Deed of Covenant but regret that this would not be economic as the small amounts involved would not be cost effective. Sorry.
Best of all why not encourage anyone you know to come and see the high standard productions the Players produce – this is the real way to help – not only now but for the future as well.
Thank you