September 25th-29th 2018
Haunting Julia – Alan Ackbourn
directed by John Miles
Reading: Sunday 25th February 2018
Auditions: Wednesday 28th February and Sunday 4th March 2018
Show dates: 25th - 29th September 2018
Joe - Julia’s father. No-nonsense Northerner who loved his daughter...perhaps too much. 60s.
Andy - Julia’s boyfriend just before her suicide, twelve years ago. Now married. 30s.
Ken - A psychic (and rather a poor one!) It transpires that Ken used to be the janitor when Julia was living here. He was her confidant in troubled times. 40s.
The principal character, Julia, is never seen, however her voice is heard over the museum’s sound system.
Joe has bought his daughter Julia’s old student accommodation and the house next door. She was a gifted classical composer, who committed suicide in this room. It’s now part of a Music Centre, dedicated to Julia, which has facilities for aspiring young musicians and has become a popular tourist venue with the many fans of Julia’s outstanding musical compositions.
Joe invites Andy, Julia’s boyfriend, to see the new exhibition. Unknown to Andy, a psychic, Ken, has also been invited, deliberately to confront Andy and perhaps throw some light on Julia’s enigmatic death.
Why did she take her life when her future was so bright? Why did she visit Ken instead of going to see her parents? Was Joe the cause of her death?
A drama with supernatural overtones... not the usual Ayckbourn play.