A Comedy written and directed by Laraine Ferguson
The read-through was very well received and laughter abounded, and the Wednesday audition was well attended. Unfortunately, a few people who had been cast found they had commitments, and are unable to take part, so we are holding another audition on Saturday 23rd March at 2.30
Set on Teignmouth Station, the would-be travellers keep themselves and others entertained by attempting to put on a play, bursting into song, spoons are played and romance blossoms. If only things like that really happened on the platforms.
The characters needed are:
Carol and Barry – This couple should be of similar ages from mid-20s to late 40s. Barry needs to interact with the audience. An ideal role for a stand-up comedian. Both should be able to sing.
Doris or Vera – Someone has been cast as one half of this comical duo, but the final decision about who plays which role, will be decided once cast. Doris and Vera are friends of a mature age. Conversations start out simple enough, but then become muddled leading to hilarious confusion. Either role could be played by a man.
Ruth – Aged between 45 to 65, Ruth is part of AmDram group. She is shy to begin with.
Helen – Another member of the AmDram group. Crusty, bossy and interfering, but means well.
Laraine’s other two plays, The Lone Ranger and Not Quite The 39 Steps, were both well received and played to full houses. This play is just as funny, and definitely worth considering being part of.
Production dates are 30th May to 1st June then 5th to 8th June.
For more information, or to express an interest, please either email, Instagram @teignmouth_players, call and leave a message on (01626) 778991 or pop in a Thursday morning when the Ice Factory is open.